Shree M. P. Shah Municipal Commerce College, Jamnagar
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Notice Board
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Notice Board
University examination form for 2010 and 2019 old students
B. Com. Sem. 1 examination January 2025
B. Com. Sem. 1 2019 & NEP ATKT students Notice regarding University exam. form filling
B. Com. Sem 3 examination Dec 2024
B. Com. Sem. 3 ATKT exam form
B. Com. Sem 5 November 2024 Examination
Scholarship fee structure
Notice regarding scholarship
Prarthana Sabha
Test exam time table for Sem 1 and 3
Exam form for sem 5
B. Com. Sem. 5 sup. exam time table and seat no.
B. Com. Sem 6 exam seat no 2016/2019
B. Com sem 1 Merit list 3
Time table of B. Com. Sem 6 2016/2019 suplimentary exam.
M. Com. Admission second merit list
B. Com. Sem 1 admission 2nd merit list
Instructions and merit list 1 for sem 1 admission
B. Com. Sem 1 admission provisional merit list
B. Com. Sem. 2 exam time table and seat number
B. Com. Sem 4 examination time table and seat number
New admission process for yr 2024-25
Exam form for B. Com. Sem 2 ATKT
Examination Form. B. Com. Sem 4
B. Com. Semester 2 subjects mapping.
B. Com. Sem 6 ATKT exam form filling
Notice regarding Pm yasasvi post metric scholarship
B. Com. Sem 1 (Repeater student 2016/2019) University Exam
B. Com. Sem 1 Mid term and MCQ test time table
Examination fee notice for B. Com. Sem 1
B. Com. Sem 1 assignment submission date
B. Com. Sem 1 assignment topics
B. Com. Sem. 3 exam time table and seat number.
B. Com sem 5 exam Time table and seat number
B. Com. Sem 3 Supli. Exam marksheet
B. Com. Sem 3 and 5 Exam form filling
Holiday notice
B. Com. Sem 3 exam form filling
B. Com. Sem 3 Roll number
B. Com sem 5 roll number
B. Com. Sem 5 exam form
B. Com. Sem 1 Merit list 4
B. Com. Sem. 1 admission: Merit List 3
B. Com. Sem. 1 admission semester 1admission Merit List 2
B. Com. Sem. 1 Notice regarding admission
Last notice for fee payment: B. Com. Sem 3 & 5
Fee notice for B. Com. Sem 3 and sem 5
B. Cm. Sem 6 remedial exam.
B. Com. Semester 1 Admission Process
B. Com. Sem 5 year 2023-24 admission fee notice
B. Com Sem. 3 Year 2023-24 Admission fee notice
B. Com. Sem. 6 Apr-2023 Exam. Top 10
Link for M. Com. 2023-24 Sem. 1 admission form filling.
ATKT exam sem 3 and 5 2016/2019
B. Com. Sem. 2 2019 / 2016 exam. Time table and Seat number.
B. Com. Sem 2 (IT-2 & CS-2) Sem 4 (CS-4) University Practical Examination
Computer Science -6 and Tally-6 University Practical Examination Time Table
B. Com. Sem 2 ATKT students 2019 & 2016 - Exam form
B. Com. Sem 2 college fee remainder
Sem 2 examination form filling schedule
University exam form filling for B. Com sem 4
B. Com. Sem. 6 exam form.
B. Com. Semester 6 exam form filling.
B. Com. Sem 1 Dec. 2022 exam seat number.
B. Com. Sem 1 exam sitting arrangement.
No class due to University examination.
B. Com. Sem 1 Dec. 2022 exam seat number.
B. Com. Semester 1 CS and IT subject Practical Examination
B. Com. Sem 3 university exam time table
B. Com. Sem 3 exam sitting arrangement.
Previous sem marksheet for B. Com. Sem. 5
B. Com. Sem. 1 regarding Exam. Form
B. Com. Sem 3 exam seat no.
B. Com. Sem 6 fee
Diwali vacatiom
B. Com. Sem 5 new exam date
B. Com. Sem. 1 Students detail regarding University Examination.
Dashera Holiday notice
B. Com. Sem 5 Examination time table
b. Com semester 5 regular students` (2019) Examination seat number
Semester 5 students Exam seat numbers Repeater (2016)
B. Com. Sem. 1 Exam form for ATKT students
B. Com. Semester 1 examination form
Climate change youth outrich fortnight program
Examination form for Semester 3 and 5 students.
Scholarship Notice
University exam form filling for B. Com sem 3 and 5
B com sem 1 assignment topics
Student list for Book bank books
B. Com. Semester 3 Assignment submission
Savantsary Holiday
Important notice for B. Com. Sem 1 students
Independence day, Pateti, Janmashthami holidays
Har Ghar Tiranga - Programs on 12th and 13th August.
Notice regarding upcoming holiday.
Library Book Bank Notice for Sem 3/4 students
Essay, Allocution and Drawing Competition.
Hall ticket for B. Com Sem 1 and 3 supplementary examination
B. Com. Semester 1 Fee unpaid List
University exam form for sem 3 and 5 students with ATKT
B. Com. Sem 1 Welcome gathering
B. Com. Semester 5 Assignment submission.
B. Com. Semester 3 Mark sheet
B. Com. Sem. 1 admission: Merit List 3
New date for postpone examination paper.
B. Com. Sem. 1 unpaid fee students list
University Exam form filling for B. Com. Semester 5 students
B. Com. and M. Com. Uni. Exam. Sitting arrangement
B. Com. Semester 1 - Admission Merit List 2
B. Com. Sem 2 University examination July 22.
Remedial Exam B. Com. Semester 1 and 3
B. Com. Sem 5 fee payment.
B. Com. Sem. 1, Fee structure
B. Com. Sem. 1 admission: Merit List - 1
Notice regarding Yoga day.
Remedial examination Sem 5 (2019) seat number
Remedial examination Sem 5 (2016) seat number
Remedial Examination B. Com. Semester 6
Notice regarding new admission in B. Com.
University notice
Notice Regarding M.Com. Admission
Notice regarding exam form.
Notice to improve internal marks
BCOM SEM-5 (2016) (RPT) August-2021 seat number allocation.
B. Com. Semester 5 Internal Marks
B. Com. Semester 5(2019) examination seat number allocation.
B. Com. Semester 5(2016) examination seat number allocation.
Saurashra University Examination Form
Notice regarding upcoming examinations
Notice for all SC students.
B. Com. Sem 1 Selection trial for NCC
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission Merit List 3 (Final)
B.Com. sem. 5 Examination Fee program
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission Merit List 2
Notice to Join NCC
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission – ST and PH Category List – 1
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission – EWS Category List – 1
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission – SC Category List – 1
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission – OBC (Baxi) Category List – 1
B. Com. Sem. 1 Admission - General Category List - 1
B.Com. Semester 1 Admission General Notice
Hall ticket for B. Com. Sem 5 (2016) (RPT) Exam
Notice Regarding assignment submission.
B. Com. Semester 1 : New admission Notice
B. Com. Semester 5 Roll number
B. Com. Semester 3 Roll number
Offline class timetable and sitting arrangement.
Parent consent letter for attending offline class.
B. Com. Semester 5 assignment topics
B. Com. Sem 3 Assignment topics
B. Com. Semester 5 Remedial examination
THE MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT - A study by Dr. Shivubha Vala
B. Com. Semester 3: Notice to deposit fee receipt paid thru Bank
B. Com. Semester 5: Notice to deposit fee receipt paid thru Bank
Books return notice
Practical Examination : Computer Science 2, IT-2 and Computer Science 4 Students
Assignment submission for B. Com. Semester : 2
B. Com. Semester 2 students Roll number
B. Com. Semester 4 (Old Students) Internal Mark Result
B. Com. Semester 4 Internal Mark Result
B. Com. Semester 6 Internal Mark Result
Assignment Questions for B. Com. Semester – 2
Notice regarding University Examination Fee payment for Semester 2
Notice regarding Fee payment for Semester 2
B. Com. Semester 2 students Roll number
Assignment Questions for B. Com. Semester – 4
Assignment Questions for Semester - 6
Collect your Mark sheets
Assignment Questions for Semester - 6 students
B. Com. Semester 4 students Roll number
B. Com. Semester 4 University Exam Fee Program for Regular students and Repeater students.
B. Com. Semester 1. Notice regarding off line teaching
B. Com. Semester 6 University Exam Fee Program for Regular students and Repeater students.
Practical Examination : Computer Science 1 and IT-1 Students
List of Students of B. Com. Semester 6, who has not paid fees yet.
B. Com. Semester 3 Internal Mark Result
Important notice for B. Com. Semester 3 students.
Notice regarding offline teaching for B. Com. Semester 6 students.
Important notice for B. Com. Semester 5 students
B. Com. Semester 3 Computer Science 3 Practical Exam.
B. Com. Sem 1 2020-21 Enrolment number
B. Com. Sem. 5 Examination January 2021
Assignment submission for B. Com. Sem : 1
Important notice regarding Election Card - Must read
Assignment Questions for Semester - 1 students
Internal Mark Result-Tentative List (for checking only)
B. Com. Semester 5 Saurashtra University Examination Time Table
B. Com. Semester 3 University Exam Fee Program only for Regular students
B. Com. Semester 3 University Exam Fee Program for Fail / ATKT
Student List With Roll No. of B. Com. Sem : 01
Notice for B. Com. Sem : 05 Regarding Examination Forms and Fees
Assignment submission for B. Com. Sem : 3
Assignment submission for B. Com. Sem : 5
Important Notice For Students of B. Com. Sem : 01
Student List With Roll No. of B. Com. Sem : 03
Student List With Roll No. of B. Com. Sem : 05
Student List For Book Bank For Year : 2020 - 2021
Selling Old Books On discounted rates